Sunday, November 30, 2008


Grayson and I won National Novel Writing Month this morning! We are both official novelists, with 50,000 word novels under our belts! Finally, it's all over! :D

In other news, Grayson officially submitted his last applications to Graduate school yesterday. He sent four in total, and now we play the waiting game until March. If he does not get in, we are postponing our trip to Europe to the low season (and thereby allowing ourselves more time to save money), and we will both be engaging in research projects and undergraduate classes so that Grayson can present some papers at conferences to bolster his C. V., and to improve his GPA, and so that I can also present at conferences in order to bolster my own C. V., and hopefully finish my Literature degree, with plans of going on to graduate school myself.

If Grayson is accepted, we will be off to Europe in June, followed by a move to either South Bend, IN., East Lansing, MI., Boston or Chicago. And I will go into a post-baccalaureate program in Literature. Either way, it will be exciting times.

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